
Staging your house to sell is one of the most important things you can do to influence how quickly your home for sale gets snatched up, and for how much. When you get ready to list your home, take a bit of time first to prepare, to get your home in show-ready condition. Here’s what you need to know about staging your house to sell.

🏡 What is Staging

staging a home - kitchenStaging is a term in real estate used to describe the tasks involved with preparing a house to be show-ready. You can think of this as similar to when you get dressed for a job interview, a date, or to church. You want to look clean, polished, and well put together. Staging applies that same goal to your house.

The tasks involved with staging include decluttering, depersonalizing and neutralizing, repairing and replacing, cleaning, and decorating.

Curb appeal is one of, if not the most critical moments in a potential buyer‘s developing perception of your property. When they pull up to your curb and take their first gander at your property, a buyer is either going to be excited to see more or hesitant to go in. The way you’ve staged the exterior of the property will determine the buyer’s level of enthusiasm.

🗑 Decluttering

Decluttering is difficult. You’ve spent a lot of time gathering, collecting, and storing things. You’ve now got to go through every nook and cranny of your environment and extract what you need now, pack what you’ll need later, sell what you can, donate what you must, and trash what’s left.

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It’s easiest if you develop a system, such as an accordion file for essential documents, a photo box for pictures, and three plastic bins or boxes labeled pack, sell, and donate. You’ll also want to bring a trash bag with you. Then, commit to staying in that one room until its finished.

When done, empty the trash. Take the plastic bins to the area where you transfer their contents for safekeeping, such as packed, labeled and stacked in the garage for your pending move. And then systematically work your way through other areas of the house.

🖼 Depersonalizing

Part of the best part of settling into your home was the bit where you infused the house with your personality. You hung pictures of your loved ones on the walls, stuffed your bookshelves with your favorite books – perhaps about religion, politics, or other controversial topics. Gather up all of your favorite things and store them away for your next adventure.

🚧 Repair & Replace

couple on home stagingYour house will be inspected before the closing of the sale. During the inspection process, the buyer has the right to negotiate terms to allow for repairs. The buyer can request that you lower the price to accommodate repairs, or that you make the repairs yourself before closing. Or, worse yet, the buyer has the opportunity to back out of the deal if problems discovered appear insurmountable.

✨ Cleaning

You can do the cleaning yourself or outsource the job, but it must be done and done exceptionally well. Cleanliness sells. Bleach bathtubs, sinks, and toilets. Scrub walls, floorboards, ceiling fans, and air vents. Shampoo the carpets or have them replaced.

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The hard part isn’t just getting the house cleaned adequately for showings, but also in keeping it that way until the house is sold. That means that every day you’ll need to make the beds, do the dishes, and put away the laundry.

💎 Decorating

Decorating is super simple and should be kept neutral so that your place appeals to people with a variety of tastes and interests. White linens in the bathroom give a spa-like feeling. Bowls of fresh fruit in the kitchen make the room feel inviting. Live plants in the living room give the sensation of nurturing. Lit candles add a pleasant aroma and lighting to the area.

😃 Conclusion

Staging your house for sale is an essential part of influencing the success of the sale. Talk with your real estate agent about his or her tips and tricks for how to stage your house for sale. Find out how you can dress your house for success so you can sell quickly and for top dollar.

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Your real estate agent is the best source of information about the local community and real estate topics. Give Shane Zuspan a call today at 760-422-3042 to learn more about local areas, discuss selling a house, or tour available homes for sale.

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